Spring Boot Microservices

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Spring Boot Microservices

featuring Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS.

The running time is 7 hours, expect to spend several days of study!

  • Get your Microservices to production standard! On this course, you'll use Spring Boot to develop a small set of Microservices, collaborating as a full system.
  • Starting from a poorly implemented architecture, we use the Spring Boot Cloud and the Netflix OSS stack to make the system resilient to failure.
  • We use Ribbon Load Balancing, Hystrix Circuit Breaks, Feign and Spring Cloud Config.
  • There is another module in this series ("Microservice Deployment") which shows how to deploy the system to real hardware, using continuous deployment.
You'll need to be comfortable with creating, modifying and running Spring Boot applications. Watch the "Spring Boot" course if you need to learn the basics.


Having problems? check the errata

Introduction 30m 0s

An overview of Microservices


Sending Messages in ActiveMq 44m 30s

We'll be using JMS messages to decouple our Microservices - we haven't covered JMS with Spring on previous courses, so it's time to put that right!


Receiving Messages 35m 7s

Using a Message Driven Pojo - MDP - to consume from the queue.


Running Microservices 38m 38s

How to start up the Microservices we've supplied - you'll also be adding a message listener.


Service Discovery with Eureka 46m 35s

Service Discovery is a critical component of a Microservice architecture. We're using Eureka from Netflix OSS, which is part of the Spring Cloud.


Finding Microservices 17m 3s

How to "lookup" the location of a Microservice using Eureka.


Client Side Load Balancing 28m 49s

You may need to run multiple instances of your microservices - Ribbon from Netflix is an easy way to do so.


Fail Safety with Hystrix 28m 37s

Hystrix, another Netflix component, provides a fallback function so in the event of a microservice failing, you can provide a sensible result back to the user.


Circuit Breaking with Hystrix 49m 42s

Hystrix also provides a circuit breaker - we take some time to carefully demonstrate why and when a circuit breaker might "open".


Declarative REST with Feign 28m 16s

We've got a more robust system, but the code is horrible. Feign (again, Netflix) ties all of the previous work together through a very Spring-like interface driven API. No more RESTTemplate!


Cloud Config Server 45m 9s

You need some way of distributing global properties to your Microservices. Spring Cloud has a solution.


Course Summary 6m 36s

There's lots more to come - how to deploy the system to real hardware? How do we develop locally without having to start up everything manually? All this and more in the next module...

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