Contact Us

If you need technical help, we recommend you check out JavaRanch or Stack Overflow. Both sites allow you to ask questions, but do search first to check your question hasn't already been asked.

Fill out our contact form

Use this form to get help accessing your purchase, report a fault, or ask a question about your account. Please note that we can only provide limited technical support and will only answer questions directly related to the course material... we can't help you with your personal projects, sorry!

Email us

Call us

UK: 0113 350 2221
International: +44 113 350 2221

Please note that we are unable to offer membership or technical support by telephone. Please use the contact form to send us a message, as this is the quickest way for us allocate one of our team to deal with your request.

Write to us

You can write to us at:

Capability Training and Management Ltd
64 Hall Lane
West Yorkshire
LS12 2LH

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