Microservice Deployment

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Microservice Deployment

featuring Ansible, Jenkins and AWS.

This is a long and detailed course, equivalent to 10 days of live training. Ansible should take 3 days, Jenkins 2 days and the remainder, 5 days.

  • This course shows how a microservice architecture can be automatically deployed to a cloud based platform.
  • Continuous deployment using Jenkins.
  • Configuration Management and Provisioning using Ansible
  • Using AWS for Microservices
  • Elastic Load Balancers
  • Auto Scaling Groups
  • Elastic IP allocation
  • Blue/Green Deployment Pipelines
you need to be comfortable with using AWS; you can prepare for this course by following our "Cloud Deployment with AWS" course.


Having problems? check the errata

Course Welcome 4m 30s

A quick overview of the course. Docker and Securing the system using VPC will be covered in a separate module.


The Cloud Environment 19m 0s

A very important chapter which you must follow!


Introducing Ansible 27m 0s

and how to install it


Ansible Ad-hoc commands 22m 30s

An introduction to the basic Ansible commands


Ansible Playbooks 21m 0s

We now build a more realistic "playbook" and discover that Ansible is idempotent!


More Playbooks 23m 0s

Going further with Playbooks.


Automatic EC2 Provisioning 14m 0s

We can also automatically create and destroy EC2 instances using Ansible. We automate the creation of a Jenkins server, which sets us up for part 2 of the course!


IAM and Security 47m 30s

You need to create AWS credentials to automate provisioning. YOU MUST be very careful not to leak these privileges, as described in this video.


Dynamic Inventory 28m 30s

This very powerful feature means we can progress our script without needing to constantly terminate EC2 instances.


Errata - problems starting Jenkins? Problems with "boto3" errors? 3m 30s

Coming up in Chapter 10, the version of Ansible you are using may be a later one than used on the video - this causes a problem related to "boto3". Also, your versions of Jenkins probably depends on Java 8, whilst the version on your instance is Java 7. This video shows how to correct these errors.


Firewalls and Variables 22m 0s

Some final improvements to the script before we move on to the next section of the course.


Continuous Integration and Deployment 18m 30s

An overview of the development practices of CI and CD.


Errata - if you have a "file not found" when re-running your Ansible script. 2m 25s

Newer versions of Ansible have made a breaking change to the task you use to copy the initial password file - if you experience this, here's a simple fix!


Getting Started with Jenkins 32m 30s

The initial configuration (including unlocking) and the first checkout from GitHub.


Jenkins - A Full Build 13m 30s

Running the full Maven build from Jenkins.


Automatic Builds 9m 0s

How to trigger the build from GitHub pushes.


Errata - adding Boto3 to the playbook 1m 23s

Exactly as when we manually installed boto3 early, we will need to add this as a step to your Jenkins provisioning script.


Jenkins Provisioning with Ansible 37m 0s

How to call Ansible from Jenkins to deploy and provision. Also how to configure credentials via some Jenkins plugins.


Deployment Pipelines 34m 30s

A great introduction to the Pipeline feature - we can now fully configure our builds in the code repository.


Part 3: Introduction 5m 30s

Now for bringing it all together, using Ansible and Jenkins to deploy a production workload.


Global Config Server 46m 30s

The first steps in deploying Global Config Server: Autoscaling Groups, Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) and Availability Zones (AZ)


Elastic Load Balancing 33m 30s

How to use ELBs to achieve high availability and a fixed domain name for the config cluster. NOTE: ELBs incur high on-going costs - ensure you delete them when you finish the course.


Production Eureka 1 40m 0s

Getting Eureka into production is tricky - we've broken it down into 4 steps - here you get the first instance up and running.


Production Eureka 2 20m 0s

Eureka needs to bind itself to an EIP - to make this happen, some security changes are required.


Production Eureka 3 10m 0s

For versions of cloud up to and including Camden, a fix is required to your Eureka server...


Production Eureka 4 19m 30s

Finally we make Eureka clustered and Highly Available


Production ActiveMQ 34m 0s

We use an EC2 instance to run ActiveMQ. We show what would happen in the event of a Queue outage.


Production WebApp 24m 30s

Now we bring the webapp into service.


Blue/Green Deployments 29m 0s

A simplified deployment technique for minimal downtime and continuous deployment


Production Microservice 45m 0s

At last the Microservice is brought into the system!


RDS 30m 0s

An extra item on how to link to a cloud relational database. This will improve the running of the forthcoming stress test...


Hystrix Monitoring 29m 0s

What happens when the system is under load and a microservice is redeployed?


Cleaning up your AWS Account 18m 0s

YOU MUST DO THIS OR YOU WILL INCUR ONGOING CHARGES!! Plus, a taster of what's to come next...

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